Sound healing workshops
There are different workshops you can attend.
More information about these different options can be found below here.
You will also find some testimonials there about my sound healing work.
Check out the planning for the upcoming events & to enroll
Or subscribe to my newsletter to stay up-to-date!
You can also reach out to me and book these workshops,
for you privately or to be held within your own practice or organisation!

Healing the Feminine Line
Deze transformerende workshop
jouw healingsproces in de vrouwenlijn.
Vanuit ontmoeting en de natuurlijke verbinding met de vrouwenlijn werken we samen in een gedragen healingsveld.
Een diepgaande reis van release & transformatie
doorheen de tijd, gericht op restoratie,
verheldering & uitzuivering,
het versterken van zachte kracht,
liefdevolle overgave & toegewijde focus.
Deze krachtige workshop is vrij uniek
en gericht op (groot)moeders en (klein)dochters.
Je kan enkel per twee (of per drie :) inschrijven,
je komt en werkt samen in jullie vrouwenlijn !
Het geheel bestaat uit drie namiddagen,
zodat je tussentijds voldoende tijd en ruimte hebt
voor de belichaming, verwerking en integratie
van de processen van transformatie.
Er is een opbouw en synergie tussen de drie dagen maar ze zijn ook afzonderlijk te volgen.

The Healing Embrace of Sound
Immerse yourself in a lovely afternoon of sound healing!
From connection and alignment,
we take ourselves into the healing field of sound.
You open up for what is needed in the moment and
take your intention with you into a guided meditation
to surrender into a sound healing journey from there
ending with an deep integration into Silence
followed by a moment of reflection & exchange.
After enjoying a cup of tea and something yummy,
we'll explore how you can work with your own voice!
To allow sound to move through you (= sing) for healing, release, to revitalise. How to activate your chakra's,
and work with toning & instruments.
Also you'll discover the power of moving through sound together, one of the oldest healing forms!
Awaken your voice ❤️
What do you need?
Writing material & a cozy blanket.
35E pp -> included is a sound recording so you can continue to practice at home

Trance dance
During a trance dance,
you'll dance blindfolded & intuitively
A chance to connect deeper to your inner world
while experiencing the expression in your body...
What wants to move? Where do you feel blocked?
Which emotion wants to be felt or released?
It's a moment of inspiration, vision,
but also of release & healing
To embody what truly lives inside you
building strength, compassion & joy in life ❤️
A trance dance is held in a ceremonial space.
After an introduction, the dance will start
and ends with a deep peaceful integration...
During the dance, I will keep you safe,
add live sounds & hold space to process in
Sharing our experiences with a nice cup of tea
afterwards gives us time to connect and land
before entering back into the world
Price: 27E

Sound Journey
Enjoy a journey into yourself,
held in a healing field of sound
You will be guided to align to your spiritual-energetic self
and open up for what is needed in your life now...
What arises (your intention) you will take with you into
a guided meditation, and from there you surrender into
the sound journey ❤️ using different instruments like gong,
rattles & singing bowls, as well as voice
& wonderfully relaxing aroma's!
Open yourself for healing, inspiration & revitalising energy
The journey ends with an integration into Silence,
followed by a moment of reflection.
Afterwards we'll sit together to land,
and take time to share and enjoy a cup of tea...
What do you need?
Writing material & a good mat and a cozy blanket
Price? 25E pp

Healing Dance
Enjoy dancing with(in) yourself, immersed in a healing field!
You will be guided to align to your spiritual-energetic self
and open up for what is needed in your life now...
What arises (your intention) you will take with you
into a guided meditation, and from there I'll guide you
into surrender, into the dance ❤️
Let your body express itself, experience release & healing, receive revitalising energy and be inspired!
During the dance, I will hold space and support the individual and collective (energetic) healing work
The dance ends with an deep peaceful integration
while you lie down and are still supported in sound.
Sharing our experiences with a nice cup of tea
afterwards gives us time to land & reflect
before entering back into the world...
What do you need?
A mat & cozy blanket, dance socks if needed
Price? 28E

Exploring Sound
Experience the power of your voice ❤️
Starting out from connection & alignment,
we'll open ourselves and wake up our voices,
to explore the effects it has on our body
You'll learn how to activate your chakra's,
and work with toning & instruments
to allow sound to move through you (= sing) for healing, release, revitalising
Also you'll discover the power of moving through sound together, one of the oldest healing forms!
Awaken your voice
Free your heart as your voice sings
And learn how to use sound for support.
Become your own instrument!
Afterwards we'll take time to share
and enjoy a cup of tea together...
Price? 25E -> includes a recording so you can continue to practice at home

Sound healing experience
Experience the potency of sound!
First a word of explanation about what sound actually is
and how our body experiences sound, how sound impacts
our body-systems & brings profound healing.
Next an exploration of your own voice,
the effects it has on the body
and how you can use it to support yourself.
Become your own instrument!
This is followed by a sound healing concert,
for which you will lie down,
to completely experience the power of sound.
Afterwards we'll take time to share impressions
& for the questions you have,
while having a nice cup of tea
Price: 27E

Trance dance
You succeed every time to work in a certain theme through your choice of music,
so in no time you are lingering in heavenly realms.
What really speaks to me in the build up of the performance, are the different dance rhythms,
that you can carry out intuitively, in function of the emotions that arise for you in the moment.
Sharing about your experiences afterwards is always a part of the evening with you.
A sound healing concert by Joyce is a bath of sensory experiences.
Different energetic layers are being touched, one by one.
And while you are sinking into those layers,
the sounds string themselves together in a vibrating field.
A wonderful place where you can just lay down in 'all that is'
and connect to your higher self.
I felt touched, charged and at the same time empty & relaxed.
A delightful experience!
The soundhealing concert was a beautiful experience.
Not only were there the relaxing vibrations of singing bowls
& other traditional instruments you'd expect on a concert like this.
The were also more 'exciting' moments,
that took you deeper into a more earthly dimension.
You can really feel this is not a fixed program you're listening to.
You can feel Joyce letting herself be guided by what comes up in the moment.
That makes it into a real experience, that goes deeper
than just blissfully dreaming away with the sweet sounds!
Man, anonymous