Spiritual Coaching

In a coaching journey,
you'll receive information, guidance, healing, tools and exercises
that will support your spiritual growth.
In a layered approach knowledge and practice is built up,
supporting your journey into deeper understanding and stronger connections.
You'll gain insight in your process, clarity in the different aspects and touch upon essence.
At the end of a journey, you will have new skills, a personal vision for your future,
tools to support your ongoing journey and a wonderful mixture of experiences
that strengthen your courage to walk your Path of Light 💫
There are two programs you can choose from,
each with a different focus,
which can also be combined together.
Every journey is always attuned to
your specific needs.
In these enriching coaching journeys,
you will explore your inner landscape
and travel into more awareness,
embodiment & mastery
Embracing connection
I support you to establish a positive & loving connection
with yourself, feeling embedded & nurtured while releasing
what doesn't serve you anymore, using different healing methods.
Embracing truth and who you truly are,
so you can embody your Spirit more fully
& act from your inner guidance & wisdom,
to create a joyful life-experience,
in alignment with the Awakening Consciousness.
This journey's main focus is Restoration & Embracing the Whole.
Embracing the new energy

I will guide you to navigate the current energy shift on Earth,
how to connect to this new energy & anchor it into your daily awareness.
Learn about the architecture of life & explore the mission of your Spirit.
Raise your frequency so you can walk as a Sovereign Galactic Citizen.
Developing your unique gifts and talents, while receiving tools
and healing as needed, supporting your journey.
This journey's main focus is Embracing the Whole & Embodying the new Energy
How do we get started?
You send me a request for a free exploring conversation, in which we'll look at
why you would like to embark upon a coaching journey, what you would like to learn & receive
and which processes are important in your life at the moment.
If we agree to work together, we'll plan the first sessions & agree on practical issues.
The healing journeys sessions are usually 2 to 3 times a month but this can vary.

Coaching journey (between 1-6 months): 77E/session
Coaching session (occasional): 88E/session
Send an email to Joyznoiz@hotmail.com or using
requesting a free explorative conversation
-> mention days & times that are convenient for you
We'll have an online meeting.
In the exploration, if we decide to work together,
we'll plan the first sessions & make some agreements.
Payment is upfront and monthly.
Rescheduling a session (timely) is always possible.
Note: A certain level of experience is required for this healing work. Also, it is not psycho-therapy.
You need to be familiar with self-regulation & attunement, and have some experience in meditating/mindfulness.
During the exploration call we can talk about this. Healing work can certainly be combined with other healing methods!