To be...FLOW
Meditations & Sound Journeys
Here you will find more information about these inspirational talks.
Check out the planning for the upcoming events
You can always keep an eye on my Youtube-channel
or subscribe to my newsletter
for staying up-to-date
Anchoring in Truth
Sovereign Thinking
Cultural deficit & illusion of separation
Heart connection & unconditional Love
Peace building & regenerative community
Oneness Consciousness
What is Oneness Consciousness?
How do you connect to it?
Releasing the illusion of separation.
Co-creation & emergence
from the Field of the One Heart.
Designing for Peace
Personal, relational & collective peace
Transformational leadership
Designing for peace
The New energy & becoming Sovereign
Awareness of the new energy
One Heart Field
Galactic Citizenship
Why are we here?
What is reality?
Who are we in connection to reality?
So why are we here?
The Laws of Creation
Learn about the laws of creation
Attune yourself
More to come...
Go to the planning to see when a talk is scheduled.
They will appear on my YouTube-channel
and might become available on Tiktok.